Cross-Cultural Business Administration

The Cross-cultural Business Administration program is an interdisciplinary program intended for students who wish to engage in 任务ary service with a foundation in business and 管理. It incorporates key elements of the more general 商业与管理 major (以上) with the essential components of the Intercultural Studies major (see Pacific Christian College of Ministry and Biblical Studies). Conditions and trends in the global 任务 field have created opportunities for “business as 任务” that areopen to more traditional 任务s-only approaches. Beyond providing economic support for 任务 work, making a contribution to a local society in a business or nonprofit organization also provides credibility to the 任务ary/manager.





  • 社区组织者
  • 企业家
  • 经理
  • 传教士


Students in this major are permitted to choose between a Business Internship (in which they must complete a minimum of 140 hours of supervised, 通常支付, work in a business organization) and a Ministry Practicum (a seminar focused on developing the student’s readiness for servant leadership).


5 Reasons to Major in Cross-Cultural Business

1. You will be learn about both business and 任务s

What makes the cross-cultural business administration major so unique and interesting is it’s a mixture of courses in both business and 任务. You will take common business courses in marketing, 会计, 管理, 经济学, 和道德, all of which you need to be good in business and 管理. You will also take cultural anthropology, 任务, intercultural communication, 语言习得, and world religion courses which prepare you to work cross-culturally and to have an impact on the world for Christ. 这两个重点领域, along with a minor in Bible will give you a broad perspective, and a dynamic set of skills to prepare you with the opportunity to go in several different directions for your career.

2. Be prepared to work internationally 

You could 不 only work for a multinational corporation overseas, but also be based in the USA working on a multi-cultural team. Businesses are always looking for graduates who understand the core of business, but also have the ability to work cross-culturally, especially if you are willing to move outside of the country.

3. Learn what it takes to manage a non-profit organization

Many people pursue careers in nonprofit organizations for the chance to help people, 为他们服务, and to meet their various needs. 然而, these organizations also need people responsible for making sure that they are managed well, that employees are working together, that systems and processes are functioning properly, that finances are recorded and monitored, and that the objectives of the organization are being met. This degree develops the heart in you to make a difference, but also gives you the skills to do it effectively and efficiently 

4. Learn the skills needed to step into a ministry role as an executive pastor

Similar to nonprofit 管理, churches need people on staff who can be responsible for the 管理 and organizational side of the ministry. 在这个节目中, 圣经的结合, 任务 and business classes gives you the ability to work alongside and support those who are called to be preachers, 传福音者, 牧师, 崇拜的领导人, 辅导员, 等等……

5. Discover a heart for social entrepreneurship and business as 任务

There is a new movement growing in our society of people who want to start, 自己的, 运行, and work for businesses who have very specific goals of empowering the poor, creating jobs for disenfranchised, planting churches within unreached people groups, 在其他社会, spiritual and environmental goals. 再一次。, the unique combination of courses taught in this program teach you how to pursue those multiple bottom lines.